About Me
Hi there!

I was born to American parents in Belgium and spent all of my growing up years in Lyon, France. I lived in Chicago for a long time and now I am raising a family in Colorado! At this point in my life, I have spent exactly the same number of years in the US as in Europe.

This is my childhood home. We lived in a little village outside the city, surrounded on three sides by orchards. A nearby field contained a section of two-thousand year old aqueducts which used to carry water from the surrounding countryside to the city known as Lugdunum during the Roman empire. These I used to climb, snickers in hand, to admire the sunset. The home I grew up in was very much a haven, scented with honeysuckle and lavender, its garden humming with the sounds of bees. I had a blurry photograph for reference and mostly painted the details from memory. Sadly, it no longer exists.

This is my husband's childhood home in Topeka, Kansas - the A-frame, a leading character in most of his Kansas stories - a dear old friend from times past. Still an A-frame, it looks different nowadays.
I love painting homes because each one contains a different story, be it a family home passed down from previous generations, or a temporary refuge that served a family for a season. Painting a home is an act of gratitude for the stories it held. Here are just a few of them.